Real Men Play With Fire Spice Shaker Jar, 16 oz


16 oz spice shaker jar with handle, King of the Grill Spice Jar Shaker, 16 oz, 5.25″ tall

Brand new Mason Jar shaker. Item is dishwasher safe. These shakers are 16 ounces and stand 5.25″ tall. Shaker lid is plastic.

These make a great gift for any occasion, especially for someone who is always cooking! These are wonderful bridal shower or wedding gifts.

Real Men Play With Fire Spice Shaker Jar


1 in stock

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*shaker style could vary.

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Real Men Play With Fire Spice Shaker Jar

Additional information

Weight 1.5 lbs
Dimensions 8 × 5 × 5 in


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